Shogun Shido is a self-taught multi-disciplinary artist who presently lives in Oakland, California. His love for ancestral identity reclamation, healing via artistic expression, and narrative informs his vision. His principles are promoted through his platform, which he calls ‘Free my Folk’ (a call for self-liberation as well as that of one’s family, friends, and community). A freedom that should be shared with all the world’s underprivileged people.) and ‘We Are Our Ancestors’ (A reminder that those who once walked the paths we now tread are no further from us than the very air we breathe just as we are existing in the lives of the next generation)
He promotes positivity through his creativity, with works on display at the AAACC in San Francisco and Pro Arts in downtown Oakland. He is also known for his signature glyph style, ‘subconscious stream.’